3 Apr 2013

Hydro for Headaches

For an added boost add 1 cup of Epsom 
salts to your foot bath and read this.

Try this simple hydrotherapy technique at the onset of a headache or migraine.

  1. Pour a hot foot bath (as hot as you can take it) in a container that accommodates enough water to submerge your feet as deep as possible, ideally half way up your calves. 
  2. Prepare an ice pack. Wrap it in a dry towel if it has no insulation between your skin and the ice.
  3. Seat yourself in a comfy chair and submerge your feet in the hot bath and place the ice pack on the portion of your head that is painful.
  4. Relax, and take deep breaths. Remain here until the foot bath has cooled, approximately 15-20 minutes.
If you have sensory impairment, please use extreme caution when applying hydrotherapy treatments. Consult your doctor if you are uncertain about the appropriateness of hydrotherapy.

How does it work?

Although there are many causes of headaches, most have to do with the congestion of blood in the cranium. The hydrotherapy technique described above directly affects the body's circulation with the cold application constricting the blood vessels in the chilled area, flushing the circulation and heat drawing blood to the warmed area, causing a dilation of blood vessels in the the body's attempt to cool this part of the body. When these two applications are used simultaneously the congested blood is drawn from the head and redistributed to the rest of the body. Ice also has an analgesic effect when left in place for longer applications (10+ minutes), further reducing the headache pain.

Is it effective?
I used this hydrotherapy approach successfully one morning when I woke with a thumping headache. It was inspiring to actually feel the contrast temperatures draining my swollen head, pulling the excess blood toward my asymptomatic feet. I paired this approach with the topical application of a pepperminty aromatherapy remedy to my temples and hair line. Within 25 minutes I was able to function nearly pain free and I hadn't touched the bottle of ibuprofen that was calling to me from the bathroom cabinet. Even if it is necessary to use some form of pain killer, this hydro treatment can aid your recovery, speeding your return to work and play.

Please share your experiences with using this technique the next time you are unfortunate enough to experience a headache.

Oceanside Wellness Centre is currently looking at bringing in a line of custom blended aromatherapy products - including a headache remedy - for sale in the clinic. I'll keep you posted!

See you in the clinic,

  • http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-505438/Munch-banana-lie-right--surprise-ways-beat-hangover.html
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Brooklyn_Museum_-_Foot_Bath_-_John_R._Frazier_-_overall.jpg

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