18 Jun 2013

Gas - This Too Shall Pass

Thermal image of flatulence.
Dogs do it unapologetically. Cats do it occasionally. I bet if I ever spent time with a monkey, I would discover that they do it too. I'll confess that I did twice while writing this blog post. Be it symphonic, percussive, silent, or abrupt farting is part of every mammal's existence. Colloquially known as a fart, toot, fluff, or passing wind, we appreciators of Latin like to call this act flatus or flatulence.

I have been in the middle of massage treatments when my clients fart. Sometimes they are aware it has happened, sometimes not. Either way I continue working and they continue receiving the massage. This is normal and no big deal.

Just last week I saw a cyclist with this image tattooed
on his low back. I'm assuming he's flatus proud.
During a massage, the body relaxes and the parasymathetic nervous system takes action. Among other things, this response stimulates the digestion and absorption of nutrients, which often results in borbarygmus, or rumbling noises made by gasses passing through the intestines, or even the escape of gas at the end of the tunnel, resulting in a flatus expelled through the anus. The scientific study of this area of medicine is termed flatology.

According to my friends at Wikipedia, the number of flatus episodes per day is variable, the normal range is given as 8-20 per day. Given these numbers, there is a good chance that you may rip one during your massage treatment. Hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane are all produced in the gut and contribute 74% of the volume of flatus in normal subjects. But how the flatologists deciphered what a "normal" farting subject is is beyond me.
My lovely treatment room has large opening windows
to air out the room as needed.

Know that if you do happen to fart during treatment, there's no need to be mortified. Sure, the result can be unpleasant for those nearby, but this too shall pass.

And if need be, I can open a window.

See you in the clinic,

P.S. I've included a couple of fun videos to entertain and inspire.

I wonder if Ok Go were thinking of passing gas while designing their Rube Goldberg machine? After all, digestion is a chain if events each only occurring when something has come before it. Watch this incredibly brilliant music video called This Too Shall Pass (preferably a couple of times) to be amazed. You never know, it may inspire the expulsion of a fart or two.

This next video is adorable, quirky, and great commentary on social smoking. Had to share it - I mean really, how many blog posts will a person write on flatulence? It's a perfect fit!


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